
陆佩华 /陆道培医院医疗执行院长、美国血液病及肿瘤内科专家

简介:陆道培医院医疗执行院长、 北京陆道培血液病研究院院长 。


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  • 科研荣誉
  • 学术论文
  • 首都医科大学肿瘤学系第四届系务委员会委员、中国非公医疗协会第一届常务理事、中国非公立医疗机构协会血液病专业委员会主任委员、中国非公立医疗机构协会生物技术与细胞应用专业委员会常务委员、中国非公立医疗机构协会国际医疗旅游分会第一届委员会常委、中国造血干细胞捐献者资料库专家委员会委员、中国临床肿瘤学会(CSCO)抗白血病联盟专家委员会常务委员、中国抗癌协会第一届血液病转化医学专业委员会常务委员、北京医学教育协会第七届理事会理事、医学界价值医疗泰山奖第一届评审专家委员会评审委员。

    北京医学院毕业后赴美,后获得在美行医许可。在美任住院医后,以杰出的成绩被斯坦福大学医学中心血液病及肿瘤专科录取为临床Fellow,取得血液病及肿瘤专家资格。先后获得了美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)的两个奖包括个人的博士后研究奖及医生科学家奖(KO11)。研究了具有抗肿瘤免疫功能的Cytokine Induced Killer (CIK) Cells,在动物实验上抗肿瘤功能显著。后被引入中国应用于临床治疗,是国内最早开展的几项细胞免疫治疗之一。曾应美国国家医学会邀请在年会上报告个人在美成功奋斗历程。于2012年被美国消费者协会评选为美国杰出的血液病及肿瘤专家。具有美国血液病专科医师,肿瘤专科医生执照以及中国行医执照。于2015年回国,回国后主导了多项工作及研究,在细胞免疫治疗如CAR-T治疗、淋巴瘤、骨髓瘤及白血病等多领域有深入的研究及丰富的临床经验。荣获医学界价值医疗泰山奖2021年度医疗管理奖获得者;2022年三河市“最美科技工作者”。


    Lu, P. H., Negrin, R.S. A novel population of expanded human CD3+, CD56+ cells derived from T cells with potent in vivo antitumor activity in SCID mice.

    J. Immunol. 1994 153;1687.

    Lu, P.H., Negrin, R.S. Cellular immunotherapy following autologous hematopoietic progenitor transplantation.

    Biol Blood Marrow Transplant, 1997, 3(3);113-21.

    Pan J, Yang JF, Deng BP, Zhao XJ, Zhang X, Lin YH, Wu YN, Deng ZL, Zhang YL, Liu SH, Wu T, Lu PH, Lu DP, Chang AH, Tong CR.High efficacy and safety of low-dose CD19-directed CAR-T cell therapy in 51 refractory or relapsed B acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients.

    Leukemia, 2017 Dec;31(12):2587-2593. doi: 10.1038/leu.2017.145. Epub 2017 May 15.

    Yang Zhang, Fang Wang, Xue Chen, Yu Zhang, Mingyu Wang, Hong Liu, Panxiang Cao, Xiaoli Ma, Tong Wang, Jianping Zhang, Xian Zhang, Peihua Lu#, and Hongxing Liu#.CSF3R mutations are frequently associated with abnormalities of RUNX1, CBFB,CEBPA, and NPM1 genes in acute myeloid leukemia.

    Cancer, 2018 Aug;124(16):3329-3338. doi: 10.1002/cncr.31586. Epub 2018 Jun 22.

    Saleem MS, Aljurf M, Srivastava A, Shamsi T, Lu PH, Hamidieh AA, El Haddad A, Hashmi SK. Challenges in managing graft-versus-host disease in developing countries: a perspective.

    Bone Marrow Transplant, 2018 Sep 20. doi: 10.1038/s41409-018-0333-z. [Epub ahead of print]


    Lu, P.H. Negrin, R.S. Interleukin-12 promotes the expansion of CD3+CD56+ killer cells derived from CD3+CD56- T cells with enhanced cytotoxicity.

    Blood, 1994, Vol 84, No 10, Suppl: pp289a

    Lu, P.H. Negrin, R.S. A novel population of expanded human CD3+CD56+ cells derived from T cells with potent in vivo antitumor activity in SCID mice.

    Blood, 1993, Vol 82, No 10, Suppl:pp188a (oral presentation at ASH in Dec.1993)

    Lu, P.H. Wang, Z and Negrin, R.S. Functional properties of clonal populations of CD3+CD56+ cells.  

    Blood, 1996, Vol 88, No 10, Suppl:pp42b.

    Lu, P.H. Wang, Z, Mehta, B and Negrin, R.S. Role of IL-12 and IL-15 in the ex vivo expansion, cytotoxicity and cytokine production of human CD3+CD56+ cells derived from T cells.

    Blood, 1996, Vol 88, No 10, Suppl:pp316a.

    Wang, Z, Lu, P.H. Weiner, G, Tso, Jand Negrn, R.S. Anti-CD3 X anti-1D10 bispecific antibody retargets and enhances the cytotoxicity of cytokine induced killer cells.

    Blood, 1996, Vol, No 1,Suppl:pp316a.

    Biping Deng, Alex Hongsheng Chang, Junfang Yang, Jing Pan, Xian Zhang, Yuehui Lin, Yanan Wu, Zhenling Deng, Peihua Lu, Tong Wu, Zhaoli Liu, Chunrong Tong. Safety and efficacy of low dose CD19-CART therapy in 47 cases with relapsed refractory B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia(B-ALL).

    ASH, December 3-6, 2016, oral presentation.

    Xian Zhang1*, Xin-An Lu2*, Min Xiong1, Jun-Fang Yang1, Jian-Ping Zhang1, Xiao-Su Zhou1, Ting He2#, Pei-Hua Lu1#, Safety and efficacy of autologous or donor-derived CD19 CAR-T Treatment in relapsed B acute lymphocytic leukemia after Allo-HSCT.

    EBMT, March 18-21,2018, oral presentation.

    Junfang Yang1*, Xin-An Lu2*, Xian Zhang1, Min Xiong1, Jian-Ping Zhang1, Xiao-Su Zhou1, Fei-fei Qi2, Ting He2#, Pei-Hua Lu1#, Comparison of CD19 CAR-T cells with distinct co-stimulatory domains in treatment of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

    ASCO, June 1-5,2018, presentation in the Poster Session.

    Junfang Yang, Jianqiang Li, Xian Zhang, Fanyong Lv,  Xiaoling Guo, Qinglong Wang,Lin Wang,Dandan Chen,Xiaosu Zhou, Jinhai Ren, Peihua Lu#, A Feasibility and Safety Study of CD19 and CD22 Chimeric Antigen Receptors-modified T Cell Cocktail for Therapy of B Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.

    ASH, December 1-4, 2018, oral presentation.

    Xian Zhang, Xin-an Lu, Junfang Yang, Fanyong Lv, Min Xiong, Jianping Zhang, Xiaosu Zhou, Ting He, Peihua Lu#
,Efficacy and Safety of CD19 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapy for B-Cell Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (B-cell ALL) in a Large Cohort Including Patients with Extramedullary Disease(EMD), High Leukemia Burden(HLB), BCR-ABL (+) Mutation,TP53 Mutation, and Post-Transplant Relapse.

    ASH, December 1-4, 2018, oral presentation.

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